Conversation with President at Noel Coleman

In this episode Global Social Media Authority, Mass Publicity Influencer, International Entrepreneurial Philanthropist, the co-author of “New Success Secrets“,”L.E.G. Formula” and the host of Growth Hacking Show Muhammad Siddique interviews President at Noel Coleman.

About the Guest:

Professionally, I’m the President of We focus on building trust in an industry which desperately needs trust but surprisingly doesn’t have it – healthcare. Healthcare consumers, and even healthcare employees, consistently say they don’t really trust the companies who serve them.

By helping organizations become more transparent, provide the information consumers expect and need in their decision-making and create amazing experiences online we’re helping rebuild the trust our country has lost in the healthcare system.

Personally, I love to explore, create and develop. I’m an endlessly curious person. I love to read, observe and try new things. It gives me a sense of joy and freshness about life. I find that ideas flow from experience and executing on those is exhilarating.

Being able to work with a team of other talented and energetic people to build something of value is what I love to do. That includes our company as well as my family, friends and community. Whether the team is growing revenues or just trying to make a difference, I strive to add value to the people I’m around.

Feel free to connect with me here or from our website. And if you’re local to Atlanta, I’m always game for a good cup of coffee. (Especially if it has coconut oil and butter in it.)

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