Conversation with Serial Entrepreneur and the founder of Jumpstart Pakistan, Khurram Zuberi

In this video Global Social Media Authority, Mass Publicity Influencer, and International Entrepreneurial Philanthropist Muhammad Siddique Interviews serial entrepreneur and the founder of Jumpstart Pakistan, Khurram Zuberi from Chicago, IL where Khurram shares his core advice for startups founders / co-founders.

#khurramzuberi #jumpstartpakistan #momentumpk2018 #meetsiddique

Conversation of Jamaat-e-Islami Chief, Siraj-Ul-Haq with Muhammad Siddique

In this Interview Global Social Media Authority, Mass Publicity Influencer, and International Entrepreneurial Philanthropist Muhammad Siddique Interviews Interviews chief of Jamaat-e-Islami and Senator, Siraj-ul-Haq.

Siraj ul Haq is a Pakistani Islamist politician who was elected as the chief of Jamaat-e-Islami, a religious, Islamic democratic party in Pakistan with an objective to establish Islamic laws in Pakistan and he also served as the senior minister of Khyber Pakhtunkhwa, serving in the Pervez Khattak administration. He is the only senator and member of the Provincial assembly who has no bank account so as to ignore interest. He is often praised for his simple lifestyle and honesty. A judge of Supreme court Justice Asif Saeed Khosa retracted his remarks he gave about Article 62 and 63 and praising Siraj-ul-Haq’s honesty.

#sirajulhaq #meetsiddique

Chairperson BISP Marvi Memon Interview with Muhammad Siddique

In this Interview Global Social Media Authority, Mass Publicity Influencer, and International Entrepreneurial Philanthropist Muhammad Siddique Interviews Chairperson BISP Marvi Memon. Marvi Memon is a Pakistani politician who serves as the Chairperson of the Benazir Income Support Programme and a member of the National Assembly of Pakistan since 2013 as a member of Pakistan Muslim League. #marvimemon #meetsiddique

His Excellency Asif Durrani, Ambassador to UAE Interview with Muhammad Siddique

His Excellency Asif Durrani, Ambassador to the United Arab Emirates Government of Pakistan conversation with Muhammad Siddique, the founder of Global Social Entrepreneurship Foundation on the mission to empower 1 million global social entrepreneurs.

In this interview you will discover directly from His Excellency :
– The Single Most actionable step to inspire you to become successful.
and lot more.
Thank you Habib Ahmad for arranging this interview and we appreciate you.
About His Excellency Asif Durrani, Ambassador to the United Arab Emirates Government of Pakistan:
Ambassador Asif Durrani joined the Mission on 2nd February 2014. He holds Masters in International Studies and Diplomacy from School of Oriental and African Studies (SOAS), University of London.
Ambassador Durrani belongs to the 1986 batch of Foreign Service of Pakistan.
In his career, he served in various Missions of Pakistan abroad including New Delhi, Tehran, New York, Kabul and London.
At Headquarters, he served as Section Officer (1988-1989, 1994-1995), Director UN and Disarmament (1996-1997 and 2004-2005) and Director General (UN) in 2011-2012.
He served as Additional Secretary (Foreign Affairs) in President’s Secretariat from February 2012 till August 2013 before proceeding to the National Management College (NMC) Course in August 2013.

#asif_durrani #meetsiddique

The Simple Way to get Reviews after Amazon Reviews Policy Change

Amazon continues to change their policies, terms & conditions from time to time and as customers or clients, we should respect those changes. This is because usually, at the time of signing contract most of the companies already tell us about those terms & conditions that they are subject to change. Amazon is a huge company with their main business of online shopping.

Amazon has a systematic approach in place for taking reviews, comments and feedback of customers & consumers about different products and services being offered on Amazon. They have put some guidelines in place for users and every user should stick to those guidelines while commenting or providing feedback about any of Amazon’s product or service. Any type of misconduct or false and misleading content may lead to termination of user’s account. Recently Amazon has announced some changes in their policy to get reviews which are the talk of the town now.

In old Amazon policy, it was required that customers should have used a valid credit or debit card and spent at least $50 in order to be eligible to write a review or provide feedback. It was also required that all the comments should be genuine, relevant, about the product or service only and show an honest opinion of the customer.

Amazon required its customers to respect each other while writing reviews or commenting on others’ reviews and if any disagreement needs to be filed, it should have been done with politeness in a civilized way only. It was not allowed to advertise, promote or solicit any business or brand. Users were also encouraged to comment about some products having sexual contents so as to have better insight about those products.

Users were also not allowed to comment, post content or interact with other users in a way which may breach proprietary rights of other users. It was strictly forbidden to post illegal comments encouraging or supporting bad behaviors and habits such as violence, fraud, drug usage etc.

It was not allowed to resubmit a review on a product for which user’s review had earlier been rejected based on non-compliance with Amazon guidelines. No reviews could include links or URLs for products or services from websites other than Amazon. Customers living in the same house were not allowed to post multiple reviews on same product or service.

Now talking about new Amazon guidelines, it is clear that new guidelines are not affecting automatic email campaigns. Amazon has clarified that different clients and websites may continue to offer discounts and promotions as long as they do not ask customers to provide reviews in response. In addition, Amazon has also not abandoned or changed their coupon or promotions program; hence promotions and coupons can still be created but should not be linked with reviews.

It is being said that launching new businesses or products on Amazon will face some difficulties in future. This is because promotions or coupons in exchange for reviews were a source of acceleration for Amazon sellers which have been banned now.

Another problem being faced by Amazon users is that whether they should leave a review or not for a product or service bought a few days ago on promotion or discount and it was agreed with the seller that they would provide a review in response?

Some sellers say that still they can offer promotions or discounts on their products and services and receive reviews with the only change that they would not link it to their promotion or discount. Some reviewers who purchased some items on promotions from giveaway websites are also in a fix now. This is because they have already agreed with the particular giveaway website and seller to post a review in response to the promotion but new policy of Amazon is restricting them from doing so.

There are some people or consumers who have posted reviews on Amazon today in response to some promotional products, now they are much worried about their account status; whether it will be banned by Amazon or not? They did so since at the time of leaving reviews they were not aware of this change. In contrast, there are some other users whose reviews are not getting approved for last 2 weeks. What both of these types of consumers should do? How can they leave a review in a simplified way after the latest change in Amazon Review policy?

Sellers are concerned that how they would get more reviews to kick-start their sales as now they cannot offer any more promotions or discounts on their services or products in response to reviews as it used to be in the past? Some people are also concerned that new policy will not be having any impact on review business as when the users will buy discounted items from giveaway websites, although giveaway websites will not ask them to leave a review in response, but they would have an unspoken courtesy to leave an honest review.

So, what is the solution for this dilemma? How can sellers obtain reviews from users after new changes in Amazon policy? To get answers for all of your questions and to resolve all of your queries just stay relaxed and watch the video given below.

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